HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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Performance Monitoring
"I wanna fix it, is it broke?"
Skip Hansen, WB6YMH
Harold Price, NK6K
Presented at the 6th ARRL Computer Networking Conference
Redondo Beach, California, August 1987
Much of the performance information on Amateur Packet Radio is
anecdotal and ephemeral; a subjective and non-detailed account
usually limited to a gross statement of "goodness" or "badness",
which is neither well documented nor long remembered. While
there are several papers which describe the expected performance
of CSMA-type systems, there is little actual data about the live
amateur packet system.
The authors discuss the need for accumulating performance data
and describe work in progress to supply performance measurement
software using a C program and a TNC with KISS software.
1. Why Performance Monitoring?
Big changes are coming in amateur packet radio. In early 1987,
most of the amateur packet network was based exclusively on AX.25
and digipeaters. By the end of 1988, if not sooner, much of the
packet world will be made of up a conglomeration of NET/ROM,
TEXNET, TCP/IP, and other systems interconnecting 40,000 AX.25-
based users. Each will be implemented and installed by
packeteers eager to make the network better than it was before.
Each system contains a myriad of trade-offs and compromises.
Each system has several tuning knobs which can be used to
modify the way it operates, affecting both local user
performance and global network performance. In many cases, these
knobs will be cranked by people with no data on how things are
running and therefore no way to tell if anything got better. In
other cases, the knobs will be tuned to optimize local
performance, to the undetected detriment of the rest of the
Performance data is vital to a local network. It is needed
before the current network can be tuned, and it should be
available to those who will help specify the next network. Put
simply, if you don't know what you have now, how will you know
if what you get next is any better?
1.1 We've already missed one chance.
We've already missed one chance to monitor a major change, and in
California, we've missed a second. The first version of AX.25
did not use the Poll/Final facility of LAPB. In that version, if
an acknowledgment of a data frame was not received, the data
frame was re-transmitted. If multiple data frames were
outstanding, only the first one was re-sent. In the second
version of AX.25, the poll/final facility was implemented. In
AX25v2, if a data frame is not acknowledged, a "poll" is sent
out, soliciting a new acknowledgment. If that ack does not
indicate that the data frame was received, the data frame is then
retransmitted, otherwise transmission continues with new data
Any change to a protocol like the one described above entails
some cost. Whether it is the effort involved in updating and
distributing new software, or the trek to a snowed in
mountaintop to swap ROMS, some of our limited people resources are
expended. In the poll/final update, was a improvement in network
performance obtained that in some way offset the effort involved in
implementing it and updating the user base?
Unfortunately, we'll never know. Since there was no network
performance data before the change, and none was taken after,
there is no way to tell. Our only indication is indirect; one
of the original major proponents of the change to poll/final is
now suggesting that poll/final not be used in some cases. [1]
For future changes, we must do better.
In California, the old digipeater backbone which connected
northern California, southern California, and Arizona has been
largely supplanted by NET/ROM nodes. We had no data showing the
performance of the old system, and we have no data on the
performance of the new system. It is therefore difficult to
measure the improvement.
2. Field Experience vs. Theoretical Predications.
There is a large amount of literature on the topic of packet
switching systems, and on packet radio. Some is quite accessible
to the average amateur, one networking textbook in particular, by
Tanenbaum [2], has been cited so often that it is stocked by
local amateur radio stores. There is little written, however, on
packet as it is practiced in the amateur radio world. In most
cases, if you notice the discussion leaning toward the way we do
it, you find it given as an example of the wrong way. Actually,
the word "wrong" is seldom used, "less optimal" is more common.
Much of the non-amateur networking experience of those who make
up the amateur packet radio community is in the area of local
area networks (LANs). Although there are a great many common
problems and solutions between commercial LANs and the amateur
packet network, there is a danger in assuming calculated
performance parameters for the former have relevance in the
later. Unfortunately, there is a tendency, with a lack of actual
data, to use predicted LAN data in design and implementation
discussions as if it were gospel.
A LAN, as discussed in Tanenbaum [2] page 286, generally has three
distinctive characteristics:
1. A diameter of not more than a few kilometers.
2. A total data rate exceeding 1 Mbps.
3. Ownership by a single organization.
Although (1) is of importance only as it relates to propagation
delay for very high data rates, (2) and (3) are worthy of note.
The standard data rate in 1987 is still 1200 baud. There are
56kbps modems being beta tested now, but that is still only 6% of
1 Mbps. Ownership by a single organization is also something
that is unusual in the amateur radio network. Item (3) tends to
lead to either a homogeneous set of network hardware, a common
set of goals, or at least a common forum for discussing those
items. In the amateur world, users and implementors in northern
California, Southern CA, and Arizona don't get together very
often. That's another advantage of (1), in Los Angeles, one node
can cover a area with a diameter of 200 miles.
Many of the studies done on LAN performance make assumptions that
are not valid in the amateur environment. One study, for
example, from [2] page 289 assumed:
o All packets are of constant length
o There are no errors, except those caused by collisions.
o There is no capture effect.
o Each station can sense the transmissions of all other
None of these assumptions hold for our current environment.
Another difference between our network and more commonly modeled
networks is in the large number of autonomous stations we have on
the network, and the large number of different traffic patterns
running simultaneously. During the three days that data was
gathered for this paper, 371 transmitters were on the air at some
time in southern California. The peak number of active
transmitters on a single 1200 baud frequency in a single five
minute interval was 42. Most modeled networks have higher baud
rates and/or low data throughput, and assume traffic is moving
between a large number of outlying stations and a central
Again, while there is much value in reading and modeling, we
should make the attempt to measure what we have; both to feed the
result back into the models, and to establish a base against
which future modifications can be judged.
2. The Current State of Affairs.
There appears to be only one kind of monitoring being done in
amateur packet radio today. The two most common BBS systems, by
W0RLI and by WA7MBL, both produce a log of BBS activities. An
analysis program produces a report for the BBS operator of the
number of connects from users and the number of messages
forwarded, among other items. While this gives a BBS operator
some idea of his local usage patterns, it does little to
described total network activity, or even the throughput the BBS
For global network performance we are left with anecdotal
evidence, e.g., "01 really stinks tonight" (translation:
performance is less than expected), and "I had no problem with 01
today" (translation: I'm retired and was on at 10:00am).
For local user performance, we get "I can talk to Utah all night
long", and "I haven't been able to connect up north all week".
Obviously, we need something better.
3. It's not easy
There are two ways of looking at network performance, one is from
the network's point of view, the other is from the user's point
of view. In the first case we are interested in how the channel
is performing, in the simplest view, how many bytes of data it is
carrying. Is the network carrying a large number of user bytes,
or is most of the capacity going to overhead or retries? Are we
losing data to collisions, or to bad RF paths?
In the second case, the user's point of view, the questions are
more toward what level of service an individual user is getting
from the network. Is the response time from distant locations
adequate? Do many connections time-out? Are some destinations
unreachable due to congestions or path failures?
There are several ways of acquiring performance data. One is to
have each user station collect it. As updating 40,000 user's is
a non-trivial exercise, we've chosen another route. A specialized
monitor station sits at a central place and looks at all the
activity on the channel. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to answer
any of the questions from a third party monitor station. Some
of the problems are discussed below.
3.1 The problem is, it's Radio.
In most wire based, broadcast-type LANs, a monitor program can
make the assumption that if it heard a packet, everyone else in
the LAN heard the packet. More importantly, if it didn't hear a
packet, no one else did either. Even if the LAN is relaying data
between two other LANs, it is at least certain that for data
originated on the LAN or destined for the LAN, the monitor has a
high probability of having the seen the same data as the other
stations on the LAN. In the amateur packet network, due to
hidden terminals, the FM capture effect, and propagation, all
stations do not hear the same packets.
If the monitor station heard all packets, it could easily follow
the state of all connections on the LAN. For connection oriented
protocols like AX.25 and TCP, and providing the monitor has been
up as long as the other stations on the LAN, the monitor can tell
how long a connection has been in place based on the circuit
start and end protocols. In the amateur radio case, the monitor
station can not be certain that it heard all packets. It may
miss a circuit startup or end. It must instead be prepared to
infer that a connection exists because it sees data flowing, or
that a circuit has closed because it has seen no data for an
interval of time. This will add uncertainty to data gathered in
an RF environment but it does not invalidate the entire effort.
Although collisions can be directly detected on a wire LAN, they
can not be as easily detected on radio. Due to the capture
effect, a stronger FM station will completely override a weaker
station such that stronger packet is received without error,
even though two packets were being transmitted at the same time.
A collision may be inferred if the received packet is seen again.
Some tasks then become exercises in gather as much information as
possible, and then making an educated guess. Still, this is
better than no data at all.
3.2 Users are Easy to Replace.
It is somewhat easier to gather user oriented data, e.g., does a
path to station X exist at this time, or what is the round-trip
delay for packets between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. The
monitor station can actually be a user and directly measure these
While data can be gathered about the performance of the channel at a
specific time in this way, this alone will not supply information
about the global network status at the time the measurement was
taken. To be able to draw a meaningful conclusion from the data,
aside from variable X was equal to Y at time T, other information
is needed, such as the number transmitters on the air, and the
number of other packets on the channel. In sort, both types of
monitoring must be performed, direct measurement of user
performance and global network measurement.
4. Monitoring Software
The software currently under development by the authors addresses
the problem of global network monitoring. Other types of
monitoring will be added in the future.
In this early version of the software, we are attempting to
determine what sorts of questions can be answered by a program
which listens to a channel and takes note of the packets it hears.
Some questions, such has how many total bytes are being
received at the monitor site, how many transmitters are seen, how
many beacons are heard, are easy to answer.
A much more difficult question is "How many times does the
average forwarding BBS send a 20k file before it goes all the way
without timing out?" The type of information we're collecting,
and the type of questions that can be answered, are discussed
4.1 Questions to Answer
There are two basic questions which are reasonably easy to answer.
One is "What is the efficiency of the channel", the other is "How
many users does the channel support".
We have chosen to define efficiency as the ratio of the number
of unique bytes of user data on the channel verses the total
number of bytes on the channel. "Unique data bytes" is our term
for actual user data not including frame overhead, retransmitted
copies, or digipeated copies. For example, if the string "hello"
is entered, digipeated once, not acked, retransmitted,
redigipeated, and acked, the total number of bytes on the channel
would be 168, the number of unique data bytes is 5, an efficiency
of 2.9%. If 256 user bytes are sent and directly acked, the
efficiency is 88%.
To keep statistics on each user of the channel, we store pairs of
Source and Destination calls from the frame header. The pair is
called a circuit. A normal two-way connection would consist of
two circuits. If NK6K and WB6YMH were connected, one circuit
would be (TO:NK6K,FROM:WB6YMH), the other circuit would be
(TO:WB6YMH,FROM:NK6K). Statistics for each circuit are maintained
In addition to two basic questions, we wanted to be able to determine
the number of digipeaters the circuit used, what the average size
of a data frame was, the number of RNR (input blocked) frames
transmitted, and similar questions. Since this required looking
into the control fields of the frame, the standard TNC interface
was unsuitable.
4.2 KISS
We chose the KISS TNC interface to give us access to all fields
of the frame. KISS sends the entire frame, minus the checksum, to
the terminal port using an async framing format. The KISS
interface has been implemented on the TAPR TNC 1, the TAPR TNC 2
and clones, and on the AEA PK-232. The KISS software for the TNC
2 is included with the KA9Q TCP/IP package.
There are no modifications required to the KISS code for use in
this application.
4.3 Software Design
The current implementation of the monitor package consists of
three programs.
o STATS.EXE - This program monitors the received frames and
accumulates data, periodically dumping the data into a log file.
STATS also displays the addresses, data, control fields, and a
"retry" flag in real-time as frame are received. NET/ROM and
TCP/IP control fields are also displayed.
o REPORT.EXE - This program massages selected data from the log
file into a form suitable for passing to a plotting program. The
plotting program is not included.
o AVERAGE.EXE - This program massages the output of REPORT,
combining and averages the records into larger intervals of time.
This can result in clearer plots.
STATS collects data over a five minute interval, storing it into
several different tables. These tables are then written into the
log file at the end of each interval, along with a time stamp
record. The tables are summarized below.
Digipeater Data.
The total number of packets and bytes heard from a digipeater is
stored, along with the call of the digipeater.
Frequency Data.
Totals on bytes and packets heard on the channel without regard
to source are maintained. Packet are also counted by length into
five buckets: 32, 64, 128, 256, and greater than 256 bytes. The
total number of ticks of the 18.2 Hz clock when the data carrier
detect (DCD) line was high are recorded, as are the number of
ticks when DCD was low.
Circuit Data.
Several items are stored for each circuit, or TO:/FROM: pair.
This includes the number of digipeaters used, the Protocol ID
Byte (PID) of the last I frame received in the interval, the
total number of packets and bytes received, the number of unique
packets and bytes received, and the number of packets and bytes
ignoring those heard from multiple digipeaters. Also included is
the number of unique frames heard of each frame type (sabm, ua,
etc.), the number of frames with POLL, and the number of frames
with FINAL. The number of I frames heard is also counted into
five buckets based on the data size: 32, 64, 128, 256, and
greater than 256 bytes.
As an indication of the difficulty of accurately determining the
status of a frame, the algorithm used to determine uniqueness is
described below.
Depending on the packet type one of three different algorithms
are used to test for uniqueness.
I frames are judged to be unique if the N(s) variable matches the
expected V(s), or if the locally computed checksum of the
information portion of the current frame does not match the
checksum of the last frame received with the same N(s). Note
that the checksum is only used to resolve the ambiguity resulting
from lost frames. An algorithm based solely on checksums would
be confused easily by data streams containing identical
consecutive lines. For example consider the transmission of text
files containing multiple blank lines separating pages. In such
cases several consecutive packets would contain identical
information, a single carriage return, but still be unique.
S and U type frames are judged to be unique if the control field
of the current frame is different than the control field the last
S or U frame received. Note that this does not detect retries of
frames such as multiple SABMs sent because the target station is
not responding.
UI frames are judged to be unique frames if the checksum of the
information field of the current frame is different than the
checksum of the last UI frame which was received.
Digipeated frame filtering logic
The various "non-digipeated" counters in the software are
designed to show the number of times a particular frame appears
on the channel without regard to multiple retransmissions by
digipeaters. The "non-digipeated" counters are advanced once and
only once regardless of how many digipeater hops are observable
by the monitoring station. This data is used to determine the
number of retries of a packet without confusing a retry for a
The software maintains bit maps of observed hops for its use in
filtering out digipeated frames. A separate bit map of observed
hops is maintained for UI, S and U frames types as well one bit
map for each outstanding I frame. There are 9 bits in each map
which correspond to the originating station plus up to 8
A frame is considered to be "non-digipeated" when it is either
heard for the first time or it is heard from a hop from which it
had been previously heard. The first condition is met when a
frame is first transmitted, the second condition is met when a
frame is retransmitted successive times. If neither case is met
the frame is a digipeated frame and is not used to increment the
"non-digipeated" counters.
The digipeat bit map is cleared when either the uniqueness
subroutine determines the frame is unique or when the digipeat
filter subroutine determines that the frame is a retransmission.
REPORT produces several output formats. The RAW format displays
each field in each record. This is useful if a particular
interval is being examined in detail, or when debugging STATS.
Several other formats are used to produce data for plotting. One
report totals all circuit data for an interval. Examples of this
output are provided later.
4.4 Hardware
As discussed above in the section on KISS, TNC 1 and TNC 2
clones, and the AEA PK-232 can be used with this software. If the
DCD ON and OFF times are desired, a jumper must be added.
DCD Jumpering
Since most of the current TNC designs use the DCD signal on the RS-232
interface as a connect status indicator it is necessary to modify
the TNC hardware slightly to provide a true modem DCD on the RS-232
interface. The modification for the TNC 2 and clones is very
simple, consisting of a single jumper wire. The jumper goes
between pin 2 of the modem disconnect header (DCD output from the
modem) and the pin of JMP1 which is NOT connected to +5 volts
(input to the DCD driver). On the MFJ-1270B artwork the correct
pin of JMP1 is the one closest to the front panel. The authors
have not researched modifications to other TNC designs, but it is
expected the modifications will be similar. It is NOT necessary
to perform the DCD modification to run the monitoring software,
it is only necessary if the statistics of DCD activity are
Most terminal software used on packet will be unaffected by this
modification, however most BBS software will require the jumper to
be removed for normal operation.
The software was developed on an IBM PC/AT using Microsoft C 4.0.
It should be easily transportable to other systems provided a
suitable serial port interface is available.
A hard disk is highly recommended. Twenty-four hours of data for
145.01 MHz as monitored in southern California produced 500k
bytes of log file data. This may be reduced, of course, by
increasing the interval time.
5. Examples
We used the STATS program to acquire performance data on all of
the active packet channels in southern California. The
monitoring site used for 145.01 MHz was at 700 feet on Palos
Verdes. On this frequency, the site can "see" 8 NET/ROM nodes.
During the 24 hours during which 145.01 was monitored, from 00:00
to 23:59 local time on a Thursday, 105 total transmitters were
The data shown in the sample graphs is based on the five minute
interval data from STATS, which was then processed by REPORT.
The output of REPORT was then averaged by AVERAGE into 15 minute
samples. Each point plotted represents the average of three five
minute intervals.
Figure 1 shows the number of user circuits seen in an interval.
A "user circuit" is a subset of the total circuits; beacons,
repeater ids, and other circuits consisting of a small number of
UI frames have been removed. The peak of data just after midnight
is caused by forwarded BBS traffic, large broadcast messages such
as newsletters are restricted to being forwarded between 00:00
and 8:00 by local custom.
Figure 2 shows the total bytes per minute. Further analysis of
the data would show the distribution of bytes in the peaks; how
much is destined for local users, and how much is going
"overhead", passing through the backbone to other NET/ROM
locations. The major NET/ROM path through to Arizona is still on
145.01, this should change before the summer is out. It will be
interesting to see what effect moving the backbone will have on
this graph.
Figure 3 shows the efficiency of the channel, computed as
discussed above.
Figure 4 is a plot of efficiency vs. the number of user circuits
on the channel. The distribution on a plot of efficiency vs.
total packets is similar to this one. The occurrence of low
efficiency over the entire range of users (and number of packets)
shows that there are causes of low efficiency other than
congestion. One interpretation would be that more data is lost
due to poor RF paths than to collisions. Another would be that
hidden terminals are causing problems. Further analysis of the
data, coupled with a knowledge of the geography and stations
involved, might result in information that could be used to
improve the network.
6. Other Uses / Future Goals
Once a basic set of data gathering tools and formats has been
define, the applications are boundless. For example, STATS can
be used to make improvements to the current 14.109 HF forwarding
scheme. For example, data gathered during the day on Friday,
July 29, shows that of the two top stations in terms of the total
bytes transmitted, shows that one had 30% better efficiency than
the other. If monitoring was continued, and the trend continued
over time, it may mean that the less efficient station is trying
to reach stations beyond its range, or that there are local
receiver problems. It also means that the monitor station was
hearing more data frames from the transmitting station that the
target station was, perhaps the mail between those stations
should be re-routed.
STATS can be used to check propagation between the monitor
station and other stations. Figure 5 shows then number of bytes
received on 14.109 MHz in a 24 hour period. It can also be used to
infer propagation between other station. For example, if you
hear a station in Indiana sending packets to Seattle and the
efficiency is high, then a path must exist between those two
points, even if you do not hear packets from Seattle at the
monitor site.
The "unique" subroutine can be used filter retries out of a
monitored connection as the data of the connection is displayed.
AEA offers a similar feature on some of its TNCs. STATS will be
updated in the future to allow the capture of filtered text from
each circuit into files for later review. This can serve several
purposes, as a diagnostic aid, a periodic check for intruders on
the amateur network as required by the FCC, or to satisfy the
standard urge to "read the mail".
This type of data collection could also assist in message traffic
analysis, e.g., how many bytes are in the average connection?
Are most of the BBS messages forwarded on a channel destined for
users in the local area or are they just passing through?
Currently, STATS monitors at the link-layer level. Higher layer
protocols such as TCP/IP and NET/ROM add additional complications
to traffic analysis, primarily in determining the actual
origination and destination point. Work remains to be done in
this area.
7. Conclusion
There is much good to be gained from gathering and analyzing
performance data. It can tell us where we are and suggest where
we might go. It will also help determine if we like where we've
gone once we get there. The work discussed here is a start
toward developing tools to aid in this task. Others are invited
to participate.
8. Availability
The software described in this paper is available in source form
from the WB6YMH-2 BBS on 145.36 in southern California. This BBS
is also available by phone for those not in the local area at
(213) 541-2503. Updates will periodically be sent to the HAMNET
BBS on Compuserve.
9. Acknowledgments
Thanks to Craig Robins, WB6FVC, for his help in the preparation
of this paper. Thanks also to those who have implemented the
KISS code for the TNC 1 and TNC 2, and the folks at AEA.
10. References.
[1] Karn, P., KA9Q, "Proposed Changes to AX.25 Level 2", informal
paper circulated on various mail systems and reprinted in the
July/August 1987 NEPRA PacketEar, the newsletter of the New
England Packet Radio Association.
[2] Tanenbaum, A., "Computer Networks", Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1981.